(Adopted January 24, 2013)


The name of the corporation is Texas Association of Music Schools, Inc.


It is the purpose of the Association to advance the cause of music in higher education generally and to improve the quality and program of the music education system in Texas through the promotion of cooperation among all colleges and universities and through the exercise of educational leadership. The said corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and scientific purposes, including for such purposes, the making of distributions that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.

No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers , or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the above paragraph. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by the corporation exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).

Upon the dissolution of the corporation the Board of Trustees shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the corporation, dispose of all assets of the corporation exclusively for the purposes of the corporation in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Board of Trustees shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

It shall be the purpose of the Association to advance the cause of music in higher education generally and to improve the quality and program of the music educational system in Texas through the promotion of cooperation between all colleges and universities and through the exercise of educational leadership. More specifically, the purpose of the Association will be:

1. To identify by membership in the Association, music schools and departments which exhibit high quality in meeting their own stated purposes.

2. To serve the Coordinating Board, Texas Colleges and Universities System, the Association of Texas Colleges and Universities, The Texas Education Agency, the Texas Fine Arts Commission and other appropriate organizations and agencies in an advisory capacity on music matters.

3. To serve as a body through which cooperative action may be taken.

4. To provide a forum for the discussion of major issues relating to music in higher education in Texas and for the exchange of information on curriculum content in member institutions.

5. To conduct research and communicate to its members information on current developments in music in higher education in Texas.

6. To further the understanding of music's importance as an essential element in the general education of all students.

7. To serve in an advisory capacity to individual music departments without infringing on their integrity and autonomy.

8. To work toward public understanding of music education, solutions for its problems and realization of its potential.


A. Full membership in the Association shall be open to the music schools or departments of those colleges and universities in Texas holding membership in the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, or the Association of Texas Colleges and Universities. The TAMS Executive Board shall consider and vote on each institutional application for membership acting in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Association and the classification of membership as specified in the Bylaws.

B. Individual Sustaining Membership shall be open to those who are no longer the head of a music unit, returned to full or part-time teaching, promoted to another administrative position or retired. Sustaining members shall have all non-voting privileges and obligations of membership in the Texas Association of Music Schools.

C. Voting shall be by unit, one vote for each member institution. A vote shall be cast by the chief music executive or designated representative. Any teacher in the music department of an institution which is a member of the Association shall have privileges of attending meetings. At the discretion of the Executive Board, representatives of non-member institutions and guests may be invited to attend.


The officers of the Association shall be a President, a President Elect, an Executive Director and three Directors. These officers shall be elected at the annual meeting for terms and duties specified in the Bylaws. The Executive Board shall be composed of the officers of the Association, namely, the President, the President Elect, the Executive Director, the three Directors and in addition the immediate past president of the Association, the Chairs of the Commissions,Chair of the Ethics Committee, and the TMEA Executive Director and College Division Chair serving in Ex-officio capacities. There shall be standing committees as specified in the Bylaws and special ad hoc committees as may be appointed by the President and the Executive Board. Study and operating commissions shall be established to carry out the work of the Association during interim between the annual meetings. These commissions shall work on questions of membership, standards, cooperation, research, and other special topics which may arise.


The Association shall hold an annual meeting at a time and place to be set by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be further authorized to call other meetings of the Association when it considers such meetings necessary. A representation of one third of the institutions belonging to the Association shall constitute a quorum.


The fiscal year for the Texas Association of Music Schools shall be September 1 to August 31.


An annual fee shall be paid by each full Texas member institution and each out-of-state member institution in the amount to be fixed by the Association on recommendation of the Executive Board, which said annual fee is due and payable prior to December 31. Any institution failing to pay its fee by the time of the convening of the annual meeting shall be denied voting privileges and is subject to termination of membership if the dues have not been paid by June 30th. The Executive Board shall employ the necessary staff and authorize the necessary expenditures within the general program and budget approved by the Association.


The Bylaws shall be authorized and shall contain the specific operating responsibilities of the Association.


The Constitution of the Association may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the institutional representatives present at any annual meeting. The Bylaws may be amended by a simple majority of those present at the annual meeting.


BYLAWS OF The Texas Association of Music Schools, Inc.
(Adopted January 25, 2019)


Under the authority of the Constitution of the Texas Association of Music Schools, Inc. these Bylaws are authorized as the rules of operation of the Association.


Section 1.

A. Full membership in the Association shall be open to the music schools or departments of those colleges and universities in Texas holding membership in the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, or the Association of Texas Colleges and Universities. The TAMS Executive Board shall consider and vote on each institutional application for membership. New member institutions will be introduced during the next annual meeting of the Association.

B. A Texas music unit of a college or university must be a member of the Texas Association of Music Schools to participate in the activities of TAMS.

Section 2.

For proper cause, other than non-payment of dues, a member school may be suspended or membership may be terminated by a two-thirds vote of members present at the annual meeting, but such member school shall be notified of any proposed action, with the reasons thereof, at least four weeks in advance of the annual meeting and shall be given a hearing if such is requested.


Section 1.

The newly elected officers of the Association shall assume their duties and terms of office upon the adjournment of the annual meeting.

A. President

The president is elected by majority vote of the active members at the annual meeting of the Association and serves for a term of two years and may be reelected at the discretion of the membership.

The President has the following responsibilities:

a. Presides at the meetings of the Association

b. Chairs the Executive Board

c. Represents the Association in the musical affairs of the State

d. Appoints the personnel of the commissions and committees and is an ex-officio member of each

e. Serve on the Scholarship Committee for the duration of his/her term

B. President Elect

The President Elect serves for a term of two years and then assumes the office of President.

The President Elect has the following responsibilities:

a. Arranges the program for the annual meeting in consultation with the President and the Executive Board

b. Presides over the organization in the absence of the President and at meetings where assigned by the President

c. Serve on the Scholarship Committee for the duration of his/her term

C. The Past President

The immediate Past President shall serve as a member of the Executive Board for two years following the term as president and shall have the following responsibilities:

a. Preside over the organization in absence of both President and President Elect

b. Assist the President through consultation or duties requested by the President

c. Serve as chair of the Nominating Committee

d. Serve as chair of the Past President's Council

e. Serve on the Scholarship Committee for the duration of his/her term

D. The Executive Director

The Executive Director serves for a term of four years and may be reelected at the discretion of the membership at the annual meeting.

The Executive Director assumes full responsibility for the operation of the office of the Association and is the principal staff officer. Some of the specific duties include the following:

a. Provides staff work and services required by the Commissions and Committees to carry out the program of the Association

b. Keeps records of all proceedings and makes a full report to the membership

c. Has accurate records of the business of the Association and accounts of the receipts and expenditures of all monies

d. Holds the funds of the Association in a bank and disburses these funds

e. Serves as an ex-officio member of the scholarship committee.

E. The Directors

The three directors will provide representation on the Executive Board for the three major segments of higher education in Texas:

1. State-supported four-year colleges and universities

2. Private four-year colleges and universities

3. Two-year colleges

One director will be elected from each of these three segments. The term of office shall be three years each, one director to be elected each year. Each director will be a member of the scholarship committee for the duration of his/her term.

Section 2. The Executive Board

The Executive Board shall be composed of the officers of the Association, namely, the President, the President Elect, the Executive Director, the Three Directors and in addition the immediate past president of the Association, the Chairs of the Commissions, Chair of the Ethics Committee, and the TMEA Executive Director and College Division Chair serving in ex-officio capacities. The Executive Board shall also be responsible for the annual meeting, fixing its time and place. It shall have the authority to call additional meetings of the Association whenever necessary. It shall recommend for the Association approval, any change in the amount of the annual dues for membership which shall be necessary for the operation of the Association's program and , in general, act for the Association when it is not in session. A report of the Executive Board actions and recommendations shall be made by the President to the Association.

Section 3. Standing Committees

A. The Ethics Committee

The Ethics Committee shall be composed of a Chairman, appointed for a three-year term, and three additional members, each representing one of the three types of member institutions: state supported, private, and two-year colleges, and serving for three years each, one to be appointed each year. It shall be the duty of this Committee to propose from time to time such revisions in the code of Ethics of the Association as may be deemed advisable. It shall work with the Executive Board to insure that the adopted Code of Ethics is practiced so that uniformity and mutual understanding may prevail among the member institutions. The Committee shall also be responsible for handling all reported violations of the Code of Ethics according to the procedure specified in the Code.

B. The Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee shall be composed of three persons appointed by the President. In addition, the immediate past president of the Association will serve as an ex-officio member of this committee. The Nominating Committee will be selected to represent the three major segments of higher education in Texas.

1. State-supported four-year colleges and universities

2. Private four-year colleges and universities

3. Two-year colleges

The Nominating Committee shall serve at one annual meeting and no person shall succeed himself for an additional term on the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall nominate the Officers of the Association. The Committee shall have available to it the list of the music executives of the member institutions or their officially designated representative. Only one representative of a member school shall be eligible to serve as an officer. The Nominating Committee shall consider representation from the various elements of the Association membership. Further nominations will be invited from the floor.

C. Scholarship Committee

The Scholarship Committee will consist of the President, President-elect, immediate Past President, the Three Directors and the Executive Director as an ex-officio member.

D. Finance Committee

The Finance Committee shall be composed of the President, President Elect, and Immediate past President. The committee shall work closely with the Executive Director and will provide oversight regarding all financial matters of the Association.

Section 4. Commissions

The Commissions comprise the working units of the Association. They carry out their functions during the year and are composed of representatives of member institutions on an overlapping term basis to provide continuity in their concerns and assigned work. Each Commission shall be composed of a Chairman, appointed for a three-year term, and three additional members, each representing one of the three types of member institutions: state supported, private, and two-year colleges, and serving for three years each, one to be appointed each year. Each Commission may recommend to the President the creation of committees for additional study or work on a particular problem, research, institutional study or experimentation. These committees shall be approved by the Executive Board and shall function under the general administrative control of the appropriate Commission. The regular Commissions of the Association are as follows:

A. Commission on Advocacy and Governmental Affairs

The Commission on Cooperation in Higher Education shall be primarily responsible for articulation with and review of issues relating to such entities as the Texas Music Educators Association, State Board of Education, Texas Education Association, Coordinating Board, Field of Study Curriculum, Texas Legislature, and notification to membership of advocacy initiatives and the need for action-based responses. Commission shall present formal report to the Membership at each annual meeting.

B. Commission on Music and General Education

The Commission on Music and General Education shall be primarily responsible for the development of the function of music at the college level. It shall promote a continuing evaluation of the enrichment of education through music. The Commission shall give special emphasis to interdisciplinary courses in the arts and humanities and to the community services in music which may be provided by all member institutions. Commission shall present formal report to the Membership at each annual meeting.

C. Commission on Research and Communication

The Commission on Research and Publication shall be primarily responsible for identifying and carrying out research projects relevant to the Association, maintaining internal Association communication systems, and monitoring web-page development in consultation with the Executive Director. Commission shall present formal report to the Membership at each annual meeting.

D. Should vacancies occur in standing committees and commissions, the President has the responsibility of making appointments for filling the unexpired terms and maintaining balanced representation of the three types of institutions. The Executive Board shall have the authority to fill vacancies for unexpired terms in all offices until the next meeting of the Association.

Section 5. New Music Executive's Council

The New Music Executive's Council will be chaired by the immediate past president (2 year term) for the purpose of initiating formal communication and mentoring all new music executives.


Each member school shall pay annual dues as established by the Association. Non-payment of dues for one fiscal year shall terminate membership, but in such a case a member may be reinstated upon submitting a new application form with supporting documentation, payment of a non-refundable application fee, and after approval of membership by the TAMS Executive Board, payment of current annual dues.


(Adopted March 21, 1997); (Revised January 24, 2013); (Revised January 24, 2014), (Revised January 28, 2022)

Recognizing the importance of and the desire to maintain music's integral role in the structure of
higher education, we declare as our purpose the improvement of the musical and ethical standards
of the Texas schools and departments of music.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the following code of ethics be adopted and practiced so that
consistency and mutual understanding may prevail among the member schools.

Article I
Basic Responsibilities
Section 1: The member school shall adhere to truthfulness and dignity in all printed materials as
well as in interviews and auditions. The member schools shall not use exhibit booths or display
advertising at in-state conventions, festivals, or contests such as UIL or the TMEA except as
approved by majority vote of the membership present at the annual meeting. In general, member
schools are discouraged from using such events as recruiting opportunities.

Section 2: The member school shall adhere strictly to the published catalog requirements.

Section 3: An institution’s personnel shall not discredit other member institutions by disparaging
the character, nature, quality, value, or scope of their courses of instruction or services; or by
imputing to them dishonorable conduct, or by adversely reflecting on them in any other material

Article II
Student Recruitment
Section 1: Recruitment policies and procedures shall demonstrate concern for the needs of
students, the institution, and the national effort in the education and training of music

Section 2: It is ethical for an institution to utilize procedures and techniques to develop a student
body with the highest possible qualifications. However, such procedures and techniques must be
applied in a framework of common practice as outlined in the Articles of this Code to protect the
interests of both students and institutions.

Section 3: The member school shall not solicit students enrolled in other college or university
schools or departments of music. (This does not apply to solicitation of students in their second
year of study in two-year colleges.)

Section 4: Students are free to attend the institutions of their choice. However, at an appropriate
point in time, a mutual commitment in writing may be made between students and institutions. Any such
mutual agreement must clearly state the nature of the commitments and the obligations they impose on administrators, faculty members, students, and all other parties involved, as well as the schedules for their implementation, the conditions under which such commitments may be released by any or all of the parties, and the institutional offices responsible for the areas addressed in the commitment statement.

Article III
Financial Aid
Section 1: The term “scholarship” herein refers to all classes and kinds of student financial aid
administered or controlled by the music unit, and may include the following: scholarships,
grants-in-aid, service awards, undergraduate and graduate assistantships and fellowships,
ensemble scholarships, music activity scholarships, etc. These awards are to be made in
accordance with (1) talent, (2) academic ability, and (3) financial need. The membership
recognizes the institutional right and privilege to emphasize any one or all of the above in
determining recipients of financial aid.

Article IV
Transfer Students
Section 1: Students transferring between member schools shall be advised and shall have their
standing evaluated in a fair and equitable manner. (See THE TRANSFER CURRICULUM FOR
TEXAS COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES as published with interpretive guidelines by TAMS,
October, 1982.)

Section 2: Institutions recognize that students are free to make inquiries about study at any institution at any time.
However, if a student with financial aid begins to make an application for transfer, the institution to which the
student is applying must inform the student of its procedures, conditions, and criteria for considering such applications,
including the extent to which credit earned at the present institution can or will be considered for acceptance by the
prospective new institution.

Article V
Faculty Appointments
Section 1: Inquiry or conversation with a prospective faculty member may be made at any time.
However, after May 1st an appointment offer for the forthcoming year will not be made without
the prior agreement of the music executive of the institution currently employing said faculty

Article VI
Procedures for Reviewing Complaints Directed Against Member Institutions of TAMS
If the parties involved cannot resolve an alleged violation, a complaint following rules specified
by TAMS may be filed with the TAMS President, who shall then institute the process outlined in
the Procedures for Reviewing Complaints Directed Against Member Institutions (listed below).

Section 1: A detailed written report of the violation must be made to the chairperson of the
Ethics committee.

Section 2: The chairperson will then contact the music executive of the department or school
alleged to have committed the violation and others necessary to the incident and determine the
validity of the report.

Section 3: If in the opinion of the Ethics Committee chairperson the report is valid, he/she
informs the other members of the committee.

Section 4: If the Ethics Committee agrees to the validity of the report and it is a first violation,
the chairperson informs the offending member of the findings by letter and requests a written
reply describing actions to be taken to correct the violation.

Section 5: If in the opinion of the Ethics Committee the violation is a repetition of previous
violations, the chairperson may, if deemed advisable, recommend to the President of TAMS that
he/she draft a letter to be sent to the President of the offending institution asking administrative
sanction and help in correcting the offense.

Section 6: It is to be emphasized that in all cases of violations, the offending school's music
executive will be given full opportunity to correct the violation before the matter is considered by
any body of TAMS other than the Ethics Committee. It is the edict of the membership that the
Ethics Committee serve as a "watch dog" and clearing house for investigating matters concerning
alleged unethical conduct on the part of member schools. Any further action must be initiated by
the Executive Board of the Association.

© 2025 Texas Association of Music Schools